Monday, May 10, 2010

The Stars who use viagra and admit it.

Since it came on the mass market Viagra has help millions of men, some of these include famous people, now most wont probably ever admit that they suffer from erectile dysfunction a few have! Below is a list of those who have come out singing its praises:

Hugh Heffner – This one is not surprising really for a guy in his eighties who is sexually active needing a little helping hand. Hef as he is known as is the founder and editor in chief of Playboy magazine and is always surrounded by his girlfriends and is known to give bowls of Viagra at his famous parties.

Bob Dole – The Republican candidate in the 1996 US Presidential Election is noted for advocating the use of Viagra, he also helped test the anti-impotence pill, appeared in an advertisement sponsored by the makers of the drug and urged people to get help for the problem.

Pele – The Brazilian soccer legend is regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time and is also another user and advocator of Viagra. Pele headed a worldwide ad campaign launched by the Pfizer pharmaceutical company. He has also said, “There are loads of men with erectile problems who don’t see a doctor out of embarrassment, I hope this campaign helps a lot of them.”

Sir Sterling Moss – The former British Racing Driver became a spokesman for an education campaign for Viagra encouraging men to visit their doctor to discuss erectile dysfunction, stating “men worry that admitting they have the problem will reflect on their masculinity, but it has nothing to do with masculinity.”

Michael Douglas – The well known actor and former sex addict has admitted to taking Viagra so he can keep up with his wife Catherine Zeta Jones in the bedroom.