Monday, May 10, 2010

The Secret Of Why Smoking Is Good For You

In what is going to come as a surprise to some, recent research suggests that smoking is actually good for you. The nicotine in tobacco actually enhances our ability to concentrate and sharpens our mind in solving complex problems. Nicotine also enhances short term memory and helps humans to remember short lists of items. Recent research compiled information from 41 separate surveys that were conducted between the years 1984 to 2008, that proved the use of tobacco enhanced performance.
A recent article also stated:
“We knew that the effect on attention was well known, but I was somewhat surprised about the effects on memory,” Heishman said. “Smokers say that one of the reasons that they smoke is to help them concentrate, focus on tasks and do their work, and obviously a lot of our daily work involves memory. So on the other hand, I guess it shouldn’t be too surprising.”
Having a better understanding of nicotine’s effects, including withdrawal effects, can lead to more effective quitting tactics, Heishman said. If we know that nicotine is the reason why we feel more alert when we smoke, for example, developing medicines that mimic nicotine’s role can make quitting seem like less of an impossible task.

 So there you have it. Smoking does have its benefits, but as we all know, it also poses terrible heath risks as well. I do not believe that the researchers were suggesting that everyone should smoke, but just wanted to show the relationship between nicotine and performance.