Sunday, May 23, 2010


I have moved this blog to Wordpress for many reasons, I am going to close this completely in the next few weeks, I moved all the content to..

Monday, May 10, 2010

Montauk Monster update ..

Montauk Monster

After the teenagers killed the Montauk monster they returned home, disbelieving parents went to investigate and were amazed to see the body had washed up on the shore. It has since been picked apart by buzzards.

It could have been some type of animal like a sloth that was born with a strange birth defect, possibly without hair as you can see in this photo ..  

Please feel free to comment below...

New 'Montauk Monster' spotted in Panama - Telegraph

New 'Montauk Monster' spotted in Panama - Telegraph

According to reports from a Panamanian news company, a group of teenagers in the small town of Cerro Azul have killed a mysterious beast that crawled out of the lake as they played at the waterfront on Saturday.

The beast's hairless, rubbery body and revolting features have drawn comparisons with the Montauk Monster, the still-unidentified animal .

The Stars who use viagra and admit it.

Since it came on the mass market Viagra has help millions of men, some of these include famous people, now most wont probably ever admit that they suffer from erectile dysfunction a few have! Below is a list of those who have come out singing its praises:

Hugh Heffner – This one is not surprising really for a guy in his eighties who is sexually active needing a little helping hand. Hef as he is known as is the founder and editor in chief of Playboy magazine and is always surrounded by his girlfriends and is known to give bowls of Viagra at his famous parties.

Bob Dole – The Republican candidate in the 1996 US Presidential Election is noted for advocating the use of Viagra, he also helped test the anti-impotence pill, appeared in an advertisement sponsored by the makers of the drug and urged people to get help for the problem.

Pele – The Brazilian soccer legend is regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time and is also another user and advocator of Viagra. Pele headed a worldwide ad campaign launched by the Pfizer pharmaceutical company. He has also said, “There are loads of men with erectile problems who don’t see a doctor out of embarrassment, I hope this campaign helps a lot of them.”

Sir Sterling Moss – The former British Racing Driver became a spokesman for an education campaign for Viagra encouraging men to visit their doctor to discuss erectile dysfunction, stating “men worry that admitting they have the problem will reflect on their masculinity, but it has nothing to do with masculinity.”

Michael Douglas – The well known actor and former sex addict has admitted to taking Viagra so he can keep up with his wife Catherine Zeta Jones in the bedroom.

The Secret Of Why Smoking Is Good For You

In what is going to come as a surprise to some, recent research suggests that smoking is actually good for you. The nicotine in tobacco actually enhances our ability to concentrate and sharpens our mind in solving complex problems. Nicotine also enhances short term memory and helps humans to remember short lists of items. Recent research compiled information from 41 separate surveys that were conducted between the years 1984 to 2008, that proved the use of tobacco enhanced performance.
A recent article also stated:
“We knew that the effect on attention was well known, but I was somewhat surprised about the effects on memory,” Heishman said. “Smokers say that one of the reasons that they smoke is to help them concentrate, focus on tasks and do their work, and obviously a lot of our daily work involves memory. So on the other hand, I guess it shouldn’t be too surprising.”
Having a better understanding of nicotine’s effects, including withdrawal effects, can lead to more effective quitting tactics, Heishman said. If we know that nicotine is the reason why we feel more alert when we smoke, for example, developing medicines that mimic nicotine’s role can make quitting seem like less of an impossible task.

 So there you have it. Smoking does have its benefits, but as we all know, it also poses terrible heath risks as well. I do not believe that the researchers were suggesting that everyone should smoke, but just wanted to show the relationship between nicotine and performance.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Iggy does a moon

Iggy drops his trousers at gig

The 63 year old Iggy Pop is on tour again ... This time a European tour with the Stooges if you are fan you be well used to Iggy taken his shirt off , but now he has taken to dropping his trousers too.

Iggy botty jokes below please!!

Breathing Earth

CO2 emissions, birth & death rates by country,

This real-time simulation displays the CO2 emissions of every country in the world, as well as their birth and death rates. Its quite interesting for 5 minutes. I quite like the birth clock.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Man 'beats' Bejeweled 2 after playing for 3 years

Man 'beats' Bejeweled 2 after playing for 3 years 

A California steel contractor named Mike Leyde recently displayed one such type of persistence by playing a single round of his casual game of choice, Bejeweled 2, for 2,205 hours and 51 minutes over the course of three years. In that time, he collected 4,872,229 gems, earning the game's highest calculable score, 2,147,483,647

Punching Bag Sofa Has Relax and Kick Ass Modes | The UberReview

Punching Bag Sofa Has Relax and Kick Ass Modes | The UberReview

Italian furniture designer Campeggi had this Rocky inspired sofa on display at the recent Milan Design Show. In case you couldn't tell from the photos because you're super special, the backrest swivels upward to create a punching bag. It's perfect for when I PWN your ass at video games and you get all butt-hurt and need to rage out on something. God knows you're not taking a swing at me! (I'll tear your arm off and shove it so far up your own ass it comes to life and eats your bowels)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology and Biology

Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology and Biology

A collection of misguided attempts to explain natural history, including honest and dishonest mistakes about dinosaurs, mammals and sea monsters 

There are pictures and illustrations along the way and you will learn some fascinating facts, like that the Cyclops myth derived from early discoveries of an elephant skull because the ancient Greeks assumed the nasal cavity was an eye socket in a giant's head.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hunkin's Experiments (over 200 home experiments)

Hunkin's Experiments (over 200 home experiments)

Tim Hunkin is a cartoonist whose work appeared in the Observer for 14 years before he moved on to work in television. He has been a prolific artist over the years, and on this site he presents his kooky collection of experiments for the world to enjoy.

Now these are not high tech experiments, as the presentation would suggest. They range from the sublime to the ridiculous, and include such topics as making orange peel fangs and shadow portraits or perhaps you would rather grapple with the notion of creating your very own ant farm?

Hangover Cures: Myth, Legend, and Fact

Hangovers are no fun even if the events leading up to the hangover were a blast. Today we're taking a look at the various preventive measures and cures people undertake in the name of keeping hangovers away, highlighting the good, the bad, and the worthless hangover "cures".
Hangover Cures: Myth, Legend, and Fact - hangovers - Lifehacker